Decided to cut dairy out of your diet but not sure where to start? First of all, congratulations on taking the first step! I'm so proud of you and I want to help you make this change, so today I am sharing my top 10 tips for going dairy-free that I used when I transitioned from a vegetarian to a vegan diet almost 3 years ago. What are my credentials, you ask? Good question!
Right up until the day I committed to being vegan I was a cheese addict. I would eat cheese with every single meal and snack. I would eat melted cheese on a bagel for breakfast. I would eat sliced cheese as a mid-afternoon snack. I would eat a bowl of parmesan cheese with a spoon for dinner. (True story). Let me tell you, my family and friends were pretty shocked to hear I was no longer on the dairy train. So how did I, as a major cheese addict, give it up cold turkey? Keep reading to find out!
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