2018 Bullet Journal Flip Through in my Rhodia Webnotebook
Hi all! I'm excited to share my completed Rhodia Webnotebook with you today as I flip through all of my bullet journal spreads from January to September 2018 :)
You can watch the video here or on YouTube:
I am showing you each and every page (though I do cover some sensitive information!) so you can really get an idea of how I use my bullet journal on a day to day basis and how all of the spreads you saw me draw out in my plan with me videos really turned out. My BuJo isn't perfect (and neither am I!) so there are some ugly spreads, some mistakes, and some incomplete trackers. But that's life, am I right?
Rhodia Webnotebook (old journal): https://amzn.to/2Pc57f2
Dingbats Great Barrier Reef Notebook (new journal): https://amzn.to/2BWUXuK
Sakura Micron Pens (my day to day journaling pens): https://amzn.to/2obgd7Y
Sony A6300 (my camera): https://amzn.to/2E2B4W1
Davinci Resolve (editing software): https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/ca/products/davinciresolve
Until next time,
xox Elizabeth