Need help with your plant based journey?  I'm here for you!
Get private skype or phone coaching with me, Plant Based Bride!

Hi!  My name is Elizabeth, and I'm the Plant Based Bride!  I am a 23-year old performer from Canada and am incredibly passionate about veganism.  Learn more about me here!

I started this blog with the sole purpose of helping people in every phase of their journey; from those considering veganism to long-time vegans, and everyone in between.  I love sharing what I know with readers, friends, and family on social media, in the comments section, by email, and in person!

But what if you need advice, tailored for you?  What if you want to talk to me, one on one?  

You can!

I am proud to announce that I am now offering private coaching for those interested in picking my brain about all things vegan.  I am not a nutritionist or doctor (insert disclaimer here), but I have been vegan for almost 3 years with wonderful results and have done an exorbitant amount of research on various aspects of the plant based lifestyle and diet.  I have also helped many of my friends and family increase the percentage of plant based meals they eat, go vegetarian, and go completely vegan over the past couple of years (and continued to support them after their transitions).  I would absolutely love to help you on your journey!

I made a video about this on my YouTube channel!  Watch it here.

While I have a wealth of information on this site and highly encourage you to read through the posts that are pertinent to you (click search in the menu to see the archive and look up specific topics), sometimes you just need to talk with someone to really get your questions answered.  I didn't have someone to talk to during either of my transitions to vegetarianism and then veganism, and while I watched many You Tube videos, listened to podcasts, and read book after book, I felt quite alone. (Click the Resources button in the menu to see some of the sources of information I relied on during my transition.)  I don't want you to feel that way.  I want to be there to answer your questions, have those challenging discussions, and pick you up when it gets tough.  I've been there!

Whether you have questions about plant based nutrition (like where you'll get your protein), or the vegan lifestyle (like the ethics of wearing secondhand leather), or want someone to bounce ideas off of and get advice and support, I want to help!  From specific questions to broad topics I am happy to help you find your way.

I am currently offering 30 minute skype/phone calls at $50  CAD per call.

If you are interested in setting up a coaching please fill out the form below.  Please keep in mind:

  1. I am a one-woman show and need at least a week's notice to book a coaching;
  2. I live in Toronto and will therefore be looking at requested times in Eastern Time, and;
  3. I can currently only accept payment through Pay Pal.

I hope to hear from you soon!