How To Paint A Watercolour Moon
Hi friends! Due to popular demand, here is my Watercolour Moon Tutorial/Watercolour Moon Painting Process!
Here is the video:
Why did I make this tutorial? Well, I did a moon theme for my July Bullet Journal - you can see the video here:
And I had quite a few questions about how I painted all of the watercolour moons from people who wanted to see a more detailed process. This is that "How To Paint a Watercolour Moon" tutorial you've been waiting for!
As a disclaimer, I am a beginner when it comes to watercolour. The moon I paint in this video is actually the first thing I ever painted using watercolours! But you lovely humans asked for it, so here it is!
This is a watercolour and gouache moon using only two paints:
-Winsor & Newton Cotman Watercolour in Payne's Gray:
-Winsor & Newton Designers Gouache in Zinc White:
The other supplies used to paint this watercolour moon were:
-Plastic Palette:
-Curry's Round Synthetic Hair Brush Size 5 (similar larger round brush: )
-Curry's Round Synthetic Hair Brush Size 1 (similar fine detail brush: )
-Strathmore Watercolour Paper Pad:
I hope you enjoy this little how to watercolour moon tutorial! I also made a Tombow Dual Brush Pen version which you can watch here:
If you are inspired by my watercolour painting process and decide to recreate this watercolour moon please tag me so I can see your work!! I am @elizabethturn on instagram :)
Ok, that's it!
Until next time,
xox Elizabeth