Let's get started on your plant based journey! // Plant Based Bride

My aim with Plant Based Bride is to make vegan simple.  Yes, I enjoy writing about minimalism, bullet journaling, and capsule wardrobes, but my main focus is and always will be serving people on their vegan journey, no matter which stage they're in.

What is veganism you ask?  Great question!

VEGANISM is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose. - The Vegan Society

For me, veganism is about compassion,  Not only for the animals, but for the environment, the human population, my loved ones, and myself.  There are a multitude of benefits to a vegan lifestyle...

  • our health is improved
  • animals are saved
  • global warming is slowed
  • water quality is improved
  • world hunger is lessened
  • peace is promoted
  • rainforest destruction is slowed
  • wildlife is protected
  • compassion and love become the centre of your life

Unfortunately, much of the public view of veganism is focused on the negative sides of the movement.  I don't engage in these actions, and would encourage you to stay away from them as well!  Every movement has members who take it to an extreme and hurt the movement as a whole, but they are not representative of the other members or core message!

Veganism is NOT...

  • being hateful
  • condemning those who are in a different stage of their journey (meat free mondays, vegetarians, etc.)
  • taking it personally when others eat or talk about animal products
  • trying to force others to go vegan rather than educating and helping them

Now that I have that out of the way, I want to learn more about you!

Where are you on your vegan journey?

1. Skeptical Omnivore

Perhaps you're still wary of veganism.  That's ok!  I'm here to show you that veganism is a great lifestyle and break down the myths that make it look scary or overwhelming.  

I suggest you start by reading these posts:

And check out these resources:

As always, feel free to email me at plantbasedbride@gmail.com with any specific questions you may have! 

2. Veg-Curious

Curious about vegetarianism or veganism?  That's awesome!  I'm so glad you're here and I hope I can help you get the confidence to take the plunge! 

I suggest you start by reading these posts:

And check out these resources:

As always, feel free to email me at plantbasedbride@gmail.com with any specific questions you may have! 

3. Dairy Free

You don't eat dairy?  That's incredible!  Whether it's due to lactose-intolerance, an allergy, preference, or ethics, you are making a HUGE difference in animals' lives, your health, and the environment!

You've already taken the step that is arguably the most difficult.  Now it's time to let go of the meat and eggs!

I suggest you start by reading these posts:

And check out these resources:

As always, feel free to email me at plantbasedbride@gmail.com with any specific questions you may have! 

4. Vegetarian or Pescatarian

You don't eat meat or fish?  Thank you!  Whatever your reasons, I want you to know that you are making a huge positive impact on animals' lives, your health, and the environment!

You're almost there, now it's time to tackle dairy!

I suggest you start by reading these posts:

And check out these resources:

As always, feel free to email me at plantbasedbride@gmail.com with any specific questions you may have! 

5. New Vegan

Congratulations!  Welcome to the vegan community.  We're so happy to have you!  Whatever your reasons for making this choice, I want you to thank you on behalf of the animals, your health, and the environment!  You're joining a larger movement to help make this world a better place.

Plant Based Bride is a great place for you to gain insight and resources for your new lifestyle!

I suggest you start by reading these posts:

And check out my resources page for tons of book, film, and podcast recommendations!

Don't forget to pick up a cookbook or two!

6. Veteran Vegan

I'm so glad you've come by Plant Based Bride!  Please feel free to engage with the new vegans and veg-curious readers around here and offer any advice you may have.  I would also appreciate any tips or advice you have for me!  I'm always learning and getting better each and every day :)

I think you may enjoy these posts:

And check out my resources page for tons of book, film, and podcast recommendations!

Join the Plant Based Bride community!