Posts tagged tips for going vegan
My Vegan Story

I thought it might be interesting to share with you the full story of my journey from cheese-addicted omnivore to vegan in an 8 month period!  I answer loads of FAQs like how old I was when I went vegan, whether I went vegan for ethical, health, or environmental reasons, how I approached my transition, and more!

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How To Read Labels As A Vegan

You realize when you go vegan that reading labels is something you just kind of have to do.  But if you're like me, someone without allergies or intolerances, you may have never actually done it before.  After 4 years and hundreds of ingredients lists, I think I'm ready to share my tips for getting past the gibberish and down to the heart of the matter - is this thing vegan or not!?

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Q&A #2: Should animals be used in the military and police force?


It's time for another Q&A!  Don't forget to leave your own questions in the comments below :)

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Vegan At Sea: My Top 10 Tips!

You know how to be vegan at home.  You’ve learned what you like, found a local farmer’s market, frequent your favourite restaurants and have a routine.  So what happens when everything gets shaken up?  Maintaining a vegan diet in restrictive circumstances can be difficult, something I know all too well from working on cruise ships!

I have spent a cumulative 7 months at sea, and I can tell you it hasn’t always been easy.  I hope that my top ten tips for maintaining a vegan diet at sea (or wherever you may find yourself) can help you on your journey.  Let’s get started!

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