Q&A #2: Should animals be used in the military and police force?
It's time for another Q&A! Don't forget to leave your own questions in the comments below :)
Watch it on YouTube HERE!
ONE Is it enough to eat properly to be vegan, or do you also have to forgo leather, wool, silk, etc.? (0:14)
TWO What are your thoughts on the “If Meat Eaters Talked Like Vegans” video? (1:44)
THREE What is your workout routine? (3:24)
FOUR What do you eat before and after your morning workout? (4:27)
FIVE Was are your thoughts on service dogs and police dogs? (5:37)
SIX How do you keep and organize recipes? (9:21)
SEVEN Favourite vegan handbag brands? (10:18)
EIGHT Tips for a college student trying to be vegan? (11:51)
Thoughts on leather: http://plantbasedbride.com/blog/should-you-get-rid-of-all-your-leather-now-that-youre-vegan
Thoughts on silk: http://plantbasedbride.com/blog/no-silk-please
WOG Love Yourself Program: http://wayofgray.com/
Breakfast Smoothie Bowl on Insta: https://www.instagram.com/p/BFxBwSpOgzl/?taken-by=elizabethturn
My thoughts on zoos: http://plantbasedbride.com/blog/top-ten-problems-with-zoos
My thoughts on SeaWorld: http://plantbasedbride.com/blog/seaworld
My pinterest (where I save recipes!): https://www.pinterest.com/elizabethgturn
My matt and nat wallet and purse review: http://plantbasedbride.com/blog/matt-nat-handbag-and-wallet-reveal
Matt and Nat: https://mattandnat.com/
Gunas New York: http://shrsl.com/?~clon
How to go vegan: http://plantbasedbride.com/blog/go-vegan
Tips for going dairy free: http://plantbasedbride.com/blog/go-dairy-free
Music: http://www.bensound.com/
What do you want answered in my next Q&A video? Let me know in the comments!
Until next time,