Is Veganism Less Popular Among Men? My First Q&A!

I answer this question and more in my first ever Q&A video on my YouTube channel!  Go watch it on YouTube or right here on my blog after the jump...

Is veganism less popular among men? // Q&A // Plant Based Bride

Without further ado, the Q&A!

ONE Are you considering trying the uniform clothes like un-fancy has been doing? 1:01
TWO What does your current bullet journal look like?  6:25
THREE Which do you prefer… BBG or Way of Gray?  9:41
FOUR Why do you think veganism is not more popular among men?  11:21
FIVE How can I get vitamin D on a vegan diet?  12:30
SIX How long have you been vegetable inclined and what changes have you seen in this time?  13:40
SEVEN How do I deal with/reduce gas and bloating after going vegan?  15:43
EIGHT Every time someone goes vegan does it actually save animals’ lives or are animals still slaughtered at the same rate?  17:30

Fall Capsule Wardrobe
Winter Capsule Wardrobe
How To Build a Capsule Wardrobe
Article mentioned @ 4 minutes
Vegan Dr Martens
How To Use A Bullet Journal To Stay Organized
May Designs
The Ultimate Wedding Planning Timeline
Kayla Itsines (BBG)
Sophie Gray (Way of Gray)
Food Combining Rules
A Vegan’s Biggest Regret

Have a question you want answered in my next Q&A?  Leave it in the comments below!

Also, thank you so much to everyone who entered my Vegan Cuts Beauty Box contest!  The box has been sent to the very happy winner :)

Until next time,