How To Minimize Your Belongings Using the KonMari Method!

I am very new to the concept of a capsule wardrobe, but am absolutely loving the experience of living with one over the last thirteen days.  Just in case this is your first time hearing of it, let me explain.  The idea is to reduce your wardrobe to a small, well thought out collection of pieces that can be mixed and matched to create many outfits.  I first learned of this idea from the Un-Fancy blog, so I am loosely following her instructions in my capsule attempt.  (By the way, If you've never been to Caroline's blog, Un-Fancy, go now. I'll wait.) 

Pin now, read later!  Super helpful post on how to declutter your home using the KonMari method from!

Back?  Great!  Let's continue...

Before choosing any items for my capsule wardrobe I wanted to go through all of my clothing and discard about 50%, minimum.  I was inspired by reading The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo.  

If you haven't read this yet, you should.  It's allowed me to finally get rid of things I've been carting around for years.  If you're interested, read my review of the book here!

Using the method described in Kondo's book, I met my goal and allocated approximately 50% of my belongings to be donated, sold, or thrown out.  With a newly halved closet, it was time to try my hand at capsuling (probably not a word, but I'm using it anyway.)  I tried to look at my remaining clothing objectively, as if I were looking at items in a store and not my clothes with their multitudes of associations and sentimental connections.  I wanted to create a minimal wardrobe of clothing that was comfortable, fashionable, versatile, and suited my body.  Interested in the result?  Go check out my Fall Capsule Wardrobe

But how exactly did I minimize my clothing 50%?  And what about all of the other crap that always seems to gather in my house?

Here is a recap of the KonMari method summary I wrote for my post: Living With Less: A Review of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up & How To Declutter the KonMari Way! in a super pretty and pin-able graphic! (You're welcome.)

A super simple way to get to know the KonMari method from The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo!  Check out for lots of posts on minimalism and decluttering!

Just like Marie suggested, I began with clothing and continued from there.  I came across this book at the perfect time, just before I moved into a new house and got all of my things out of a storage container!  As I unpacked I sorted into categories, and then I went through one category at a time.  It was glorious: I sorted and discarded before I ever put one item away in my new home!  I realize that not all of you will be lucky enough to have a move coincide with your desire to declutter, and that you may even see that as undesirable (since you need to transport all of the items you'll just be discarding when you get to your destination), so I suggest choosing the room with the most open floor area and making that your sorting room for the next couple of days.  Let your family know what you're doing, and assure them the mess won't last long!

Putting Your Belongings Away

Once you've discarded, how do you organize?  Marie has a whole host of awesome tips and tricks in her book, but the following are my favourites!

Ever wonder why clutter builds so quickly?  Try designating a place for each thing! #minimalismtips #plantbasedbride #konmari
Simplicity is the name of the game.  #minimalismtips #plantbasedbride #konmari
Feeling overwhelmed?  Don't let written "noise" get you down. #minimalismtips #plantbasedbride #konmari

And there you have it, the simple ways you can minimize and organize your belongings for good.  Are you going to pick up Marie's book and give it a read? It just might change your life!

Until next time,

Learn to apply the KonMari method to your life!

ave you used the KonMari method?  Tell me about it in the comments!

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