Posts tagged minimalism challenge
My Dream Closet

I love Instagram and Pinterest.  They allow me to live vicariously through those living the lifestyle I aspire to.  A minimal home, financial security, and great style are all things I hope to someday lay claim to.

When MakeSpace asked me to describe my dream closet for their new series I was really excited to make a vision board of sorts for my very own minimal and beautiful closet. 

Why don't you come along for a virtual tour?

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30 Day Minimalism Game!

Honesty moment: I went into November with the full intention to complete this challenge... and I failed.  Not miserably, I still minimized about 50 items from my home, which is great!  And considering I just spent months clearing over 50 percent of my belongings, that's a pretty impressive number.  But I know I can do better.  So I'm recommitting to a slightly tamed version of this challenge in December, and I really hope you'll join me!

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