Posts tagged healthy
How To Start Your Day Off On The Right Foot! Becoming a Morning Person

Everyone wants to start their day off on the right foot, right?  You want to wake up refreshed and energetic, ready to go!  Unfortunately I'm not a morning person, and often when I need to wake up earlier than 10 am my whole day can get a bit thrown off by grouchiness and brain fog.  Most of the time I don't get high quality sleep and wake up often throughout the night, every night.  But no more!  I've gone on a rampage lately reading all of the articles on becoming a morning person and getting better sleep that I could possibly find and making lists of things that I've noticed help me to wake up feeling more rested and ready to start my day.  I decided to compile these things into an article for myself and anyone else who may be struggling with the same issues as I have, with the hopes that it will help at least one other person.  I hope not only to be able to wake up at 8am every single morning, but to want to!  If that's you, too, read on!

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