Posts in Plant Based Diet
Surviving the Holidays as a Vegan

Out of the 23 Holiday Seasons I've experienced in my time on this Earth, 20 were just regular, omni holidays.  I then spent 1 of them as a vegetarian and 2 of them as a vegan.  As I prepare for my third holiday season without any animal products I begin to feel the anxiety that has become standard for this time of year.  If you don't eat a "normal" diet, you may understand what I mean.  As we get nearer and nearer to family Christmas, I begin to think more and more of how I will handle those days amongst family.  I am by no means an expert, but let me share with you what I've learned so far and what I plan to implement this year to survive the holidays as a vegan!

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10 Tips To Help You Go Dairy-Free!

Decided to cut dairy out of your diet but not sure where to start?  First of all, congratulations on taking the first step!  I'm so proud of you and I want to help you make this change, so today I am sharing my top 10 tips for going dairy-free that I used when I transitioned from a vegetarian to a vegan diet almost 3 years ago.  What are my credentials, you ask?  Good question!  

Right up until the day I committed to being vegan I was a cheese addict.  I would eat cheese with every single meal and snack.  I would eat melted cheese on a bagel for breakfast.  I would eat sliced cheese as a mid-afternoon snack.  I would eat a bowl of parmesan cheese with a spoon for dinner.  (True story).  Let me tell you, my family and friends were pretty shocked to hear I was no longer on the dairy train.  So how did I, as a major cheese addict, give it up cold turkey?  Keep reading to find out!

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Easy Nana Ice Cream Recipe!

Nana ice cream, banana ice cream, nice cream; whatever you call it, it's delicious!  Dairy-free ice cream is widely available, which is incredible for those of us who still want a sweet chilly treat from time to time.  But what if you don't want to have to run to the store?  Or you want something lower fat and less full of preservatives?  Nana ice cream is the (mouth-watering) solution.  Today I'm sharing a super simple recipe for you to make your own!

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Non Vegan Ingredients to Avoid

Whether you're a new vegan or a vegan veteran, keeping track of no-no ingredients can be incredibly difficult.  Friends and family, from longer term vegans all the way to new vegetarians, have been lamenting hidden animal ingredients popping up all over the place in the foods they used to enjoy with a clean conscience.  That's why I'm creating this handy guide!  Pin or bookmark it so that you can come back and use it as a reference while shopping, making your life that much easier.  These ingredients may be found in food, personal care products, clothing, household products, and more.  Remember:  no one is perfect and it's impossible to successfully avoid all of these ingredients 100% of the time.  Don't beat yourself up or get too caught up in the purity of it all and just do your best!

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