Posts in Animal Rights
Eating Eggs Doesn't Harm Chickens #VeganMythBuster

Today’s myth that needs busting is that eating eggs doesn’t harm chickens. (Thanks Martha for the suggestion!)

The truth is that eggs are a chicken’s period.  Do you think once the hen can no longer have a period she’ll be allowed to live on the farm?

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Are Pets Vegan?

Recently I have been receiving a lot of questions about pets.  Should vegans have them?  Should anyone own anyone else, human or not?  Are you a hypocrite if you have pets but also fight for animal liberation?

I may be slightly biased as someone who shares my home with two wonderful adopted cats, but I'm going to jump into this question all the same.

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Non-Human Animals Crash Course Philosophy Response

Crash Course is a hugely popular YouTube channel with over 5.4 million subscribers.  Their Philosophy series is widely watched, and often very well received.  Recently they published the 42nd episode in the series all about the treatment of non-human animals, that has already been viewed more than 190,000 times.  

Here is my response to the video.

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