Posts tagged weird vegan
15 Weird Things I Do Now That I'm Vegan

In the interest of transparency, I feel it's important to mention that I've always been weird.  This isn't some kind of new thing.  Just ask Jason.  I'm an introvert, but when you get to know me well?  All bets are off!   I'm an incredibly opinionated and creative person, and like what I like no matter how "weird" or "nerdy" other people may think those things are.  I make big expressive faces and voices, love to sing all day long, and love Doctor Who.  And while it may seem that there isn't much room for more weirdness from there, I definitely got weirder when I went vegan.  Much weirder.  Keep reading as I confess all and tell you the 15 weird things that I've started doing since going vegan!

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