Q&A #4: How Did My Fiance Propose?
It's time for another Q&A video! This time I go into detail about how Jason proposed to me, answer wedding questions, and talk about my favourite food blogs!
Watch here or on YouTube!
ONE 0:23 What kind of food will you have at your wedding?
TWO 0:36 What's your favourite book? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsnoFSTovag)
THREE 0:43 Is your Fiance vegan and how did he propose to you?
FOUR 4:20 What's your favourite vegan meal? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAQ_sGlXsfE)
FIVE 4:25 How often do you wear makeup?
SIX 5:55 Do you have any favourite vegan packaged foods?
SEVEN 6:10 Will your wedding be 100% vegan or a bit of both?
EIGHT 6:24 Will you raise your (eventual) kids vegan?
NINE 6:43 Will you involve your cats in the ceremony?
TEN 8:13 What are your favourite food blogs?
Oh She Glows: http://ohsheglows.com/
The Vegan 8: http://thevegan8.com/
Veggie Inspired Journey: http://www.veggieinspiredjourney.com/
Lazy Vegan Baker: http://www.thelazyveganbaker.com/
A Virtual Vegan: http://avirtualvegan.com/
ELEVEN 8:31 What's your favourite vegan pancake recipe?
Vegan Life-Changing Pancakes from The Vegan 8: http://thevegan8.com/2014/09/11/life-changing-pancakes/
Until next time,