Q&A #3: How Did I Meet My Fiance?

Hey, you!  Today's post is another Q&A video where I cover how I met my fiance, my favourite meals/post workout snacks, how to get more greens in your diet, and how I take my coffee!

How did I meet my fiance?  Watch the video to find out! // Plant Based Bride

Feel free to watch the video here or over on YouTube!

Remember to leave your questions for my next Q&A in the comments of this post or of the video itself :)

ONE 1:00 What do I put in my coffee/drink at a coffee shop?
TWO 1:55 What is my favourite meal?
THREE 2:45 How did I meet my fiance?
FOUR 5:20 What's my favourite way to eat more greens?
FIVE 6:10 Favourite post workout snack?

Until next time,