The Truth About The Beef Industry

Unlike most animal foods, many people are not only aware of the negative impact of eating beef on their health but actively avoiding it - and they're right to.

But it's not just for health reasons that beef is a bad choice.  The raising of cattle has more of an environmental impact than you might realize, and is definitely no fun for the cows.

Let's explore the truth behind the beef industry.

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The Difference Between Plant Based & Vegan

With the rise of the use of the term 'Plant Based', the waters are getting a little muddy.  Are plant based and vegan the same thing?  Can you be both?  Are they mutually exclusive?

Let's talk about the difference between plant based and vegan.

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How To Read Labels As A Vegan

You realize when you go vegan that reading labels is something you just kind of have to do.  But if you're like me, someone without allergies or intolerances, you may have never actually done it before.  After 4 years and hundreds of ingredients lists, I think I'm ready to share my tips for getting past the gibberish and down to the heart of the matter - is this thing vegan or not!?

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