What's On My iPhone 7 Plus? + My Favourite Vegan Apps
I have always found "What's On My Phone" videos fascinating. You can learn so much about a person by what they keep on their phone and how they organize it!
Get to know me better by watching the video and let me know your favourite apps in the comments below!
Watch the video here or hop on over to YouTube!
Until next time,

more from plant based bride

Reading Around the World
LifestyleElizabeth Turnbullwhat's on my iphone 7 plus, what's on my iphone, what's on my phone, what's on my iphone 7, how I organize my phone, how I organize my iphone, how i organize my iphone 7 plus, minimalist phone, minimalist iphone, minimal iphone, favourite vegan apps, vegan apps, best vegan appsComment