Is Honey Vegan?

Is honey vegan?  That's a question I hear a lot from the veg-curious.  I understand the confusion.  Bees aren't animals, right?  And they don't get hurt by humans taking their honey, right?  I mean, bears do it.  Why can't we?

Well, there are quite a few reasons why I (and many) avoid honey.  Not the least of which is the 'ick' factor... honey is actually pretty gross when you think about it.

But is it vegan or isn't it?

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SeaWorld Takes A Step... But Is It Enough?

I was elated to hear the recent news that SeaWorld has agreed to end their orca breeding program effective immediately.  This decision has come far too late but gives me hope that the tides are changing for the animals who share our planet.

However, I can't help but wonder, is this decision enough to make a real difference to the whale populations already living in these parks?

I'm not so sure.

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