Vegan News: Canadian Dairy Farms Fined For What?! #LastWeekInVegan
It's time for episode two of #LastWeekInVegan! What's happening in the world of vegan?
Watch the video here or on YouTube!
ONE - 11 Canadian Dairy Farms Fined for Antibiotics in Milk
Source: VegNews
TWO - Vegan wins battle to be accepted by Swiss army
Source: The Local
THREE - Egg Replacement Market to Surpass $1.5 Billion by 2026
Source: VegNews
FOUR - Study: Anti-Meat News Coverage Curbs Consumption
Source: VegNews
Until next time,

more from plant based bride

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VeganElizabeth Turnbulllast week in vegan, LastWeekInVegan, canadian dairy farms fined, antibiotics in milk, british columbia dairy farms fined for antibiotics in milk, vegan accepted by swiss army, vegan joins swiss army, egg replacement market growing, anti-meat news coverage effective in curbing meat consumption, vegan newsComment