Posts in Nutrition
Why I Add a B12 Supplement To My Vegan Diet

If you've spent any time in the vegan community online, it's likely you've heard talk about B12.  But what is B12 and why do we need it?  Do you need to use supplementation, or is it readily available in the foods we eat?  What happens if we don't get enough or get too much?  Do only vegans have to worry about their B12 levels?  Read on to learn the answers!

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Should You Worry About Your Body's pH?

Have you ever heard someone talk about alkalizing their body?  Or avoiding a food because it's too acidic?  Did you think to yourself: "Wow, that health-nut has reached a new level of crazy!"?  There was a time I would have agreed with you, that spending time worrying about your body's pH was going too far down the road to orthorexia, but after more time and research I've discovered that maintaining a balanced pH should be more than a blip on your radar if you're looking to create an environment for optimal health.  (Am I the only one who just imagined a futuristic, sleek, blinking health-radar?  I am?  Never mind, then...)  And aren't we all looking for a way to live a longer, happier, disease-free life?

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Building Strong Bones with Plants

Calcium is important, everyone says so.  "Get your calcium for strong bones!" they say.  And where do you get calcium?  If you ask the average person, they'd confidently say "From milk!"  If that's the case, how come vegans aren't breaking bones from a minor fall or developing osteoporosis at astonishing rates?  The answer is simple.

Milk is not the only source of calcium.  It is, in fact, not even the best source.

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Are Vegans Chronically Iron Deficient?

The omnivorous lay person's biggest worry for my health as a vegan, after my protein intake (and if you're worried, don't be.  Check out my article Vegans vs Protein!), is where I get my iron.  My response is usually simply: "From plants."  (Because, well, duh.  I only eat plants.)  But what is the scientific reality of reaching my Daily Recommended Intake of iron on a plant-based diet?  Get ready for some science, dear readers.   Once I finish singing the Bill Nye the Science Guy theme song, of course.

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