Posts in Environment
The Truth About The Dairy Industry

We all know the slogans... "Got milk?"  We see ads every day picturing happy cows being milked by hand and grazing in lush fields.  We've been told we need dairy to build strong bones for so long it has crystallized as fact in our society.  But what if the dairy industry is lying to us?  The recent influx of ads in Toronto for dairy products as a defence against osteoporosis got me riled up and I haven't yet calmed down.  (I wrote a this page in response.)  The dairy industry is a business.  They are selling a product.  They do their best to convince us their product is indispensable for good health because that's what drives profit, not because it's true.  Let me tell you the truth about the dairy industry, behind all of the marketing spins and selective wording.

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38 Halloween Costume Ideas For Women That Don't Suck

Don't want to be a sexy judge or a brain surgeon babe for halloween?  Me neither.  Check out my list of awesome things you can dress up as this halloween, that can be as sexy or not sexy as you like.

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Why Going Pescatarian Doesn't Cut It

Often when someone finds out that I'm a vegan they're quick to justify their own choices.  "I'm basically a vegetarian, but I NEED bacon!"  or "I only eat white meat."  or "I'm a vegetarian, but I eat fish."  I've always found this last one to be one of the oddest in the bunch.  Really, it's the entire "pescatarian" trend that confuses me.  Why distinguish between the flesh of sea and land animals?  If you avoid the meat of cows and pigs and chickens and turkeys for health or ethical or environmental reasons, why wouldn't you also avoid fish?  It seems to me that just like most people have trouble seeing the animals we raise for livestock in the same light as the animals we keep as pets, the majority view fish as living beings lower on the ladder of importance than mammals, and therefore less like us (and less deserving of life).  Most of you would NEVER eat a dolphin.  But tuna?  Why not?  I think a big part of this pervasive belief is that people don't fully understand the impact commercial fishing has on our planet and health.  Luckily for you, I'm here to fill you in!

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10 Reasons to Go Vegan!

Are you sitting on the fence, unsure about taking the leap into veganism?  I understand.  It took me 8 months of debating and researching after going vegetarian before I made the change.  Now I wish that I'd gone vegan years earlier!  As they say, hindsight is always 20/20.  Perhaps you'll benefit from my hindsight by reading my top 10 reasons to go vegan!

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